Support the Friends

Friends of Anne Kolb Nature Center, a 501(c)(3), is dedicated to the preservation and conservation of Anne Kolb Nature Center for current and future generations.

  • Items available for a donation. We have a number of items available for a donation located in the exhibit hall of the Anne Kolb Nature Center. Many items have been hand made by our volunteers. Some examples include magnets and hat pins.
  • Consider a Membership
  • Volunteer  – There are many volunteer opportunities available
  • Monetary Donations  – Make a tax deductible donation in support of the Friend’s efforts. The majority of the Friend’s annual budget comes from donations from generous people like you.
  • Item Donations  – With summer right around the corner, the Sea Turtles and Their Babies Program will soon be underway as well. We are asking for new or gently used pillow cases to cover the buckets housing the hatchlings.